Bulgaria’s Inaugural Virtual Minecraft Education League Ends in a Thrilling Final
The first of its kind Bulgarian final of virtual sports league for students in Minecraft Education took place on March 15, 2025. The event is an ambitious joint project of Telelink Business Services and Microsoft Bulgaria.

Held in two rounds the competition included students aged between 8 and 15 from all over the country. Two teams reached the final – one consisting of 5th-grade students from “St. Patriarch Evtimiy” School in Veliko Tarnovo, and the other of 6th-grade students from 68. “Acad. Nikola Obreshkov” School in Sofia. Within 90 minutes, the participants were tasked with creating an eco-social camping digital space that harmoniously integrated nature without disturbing the natural habitat of plants and animals. The pre-set criteria provided clear guidance for the young participants.

Choosing a winner proved extremely challenging for the jury, as both teams showcased creativity, precision, and excellent teamwork. After a demanding discussion, the grand trophy was awarded to the students from “St. Patriarch Evtimiy” School in Veliko Tarnovo, while the students from 68. “Acad. Nikola Obreshkov” School in Sofia deservedly secured the second place and the silver trophy.
The event ended with refreshments, well-deserved gifts, and a clear hope for future editions of this inspiring initiative, which offers young talents a platform to shine and fosters the development of logical thinking and digital skills through game-based learning and teamwork.